Wenn Düfte Erzählen/When Fragrances Tell

Installation views of Wenn Düfte Erzählen/When Fragrances Tell, Solothurn, Switzerland, 2019
Exhibition Description
(Translated from the original German text…) Smells cause rapid reactions of like or displeasure. The current research project Smelling More , Smelling Differently at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, goes beyond this “hedonistic evaluation” and seeks further meanings in dialogue with the public: fragrance as a cultural object.
In Wenn Düfte Erzählen/When Fragrances Tell, audiences visit the DuftBar to smell the raw materials and scents of Brian Goeltzenleuchter, Christophe Laudamiel, Sean Raspet & Andreas Wilhelm, make new experiences with their nose, and write stories with writer Tim Krohn about these fragrances on the occasion of the Solothurn Literature Festival.
DuftBar is produced in cooperation with the Swiss National Science Foundation project, Smelling More , Smelling Differently: Scent as Cultural Practice under the direction of Prof. Dr. Claus Noppeney at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, and in conjunction with the Solothurn Literature Festival and the Scent Festival.