Upcoming project + teaching in the Netherlands / June 12, 2018
Later this month I’ll be in the Netherlands to meet up with Anna van Suchtelen. We will produce an artwork and teach a course at the University of Utrecht. Like a lot of my work lately, the art emerges out of a shared learning experience, usually involving interdisciplinary collaboration between artists and scientists. Our curriculum is adapted from my undergraduate course Applied Creativity, which I teach in the Weber Honors College at SDSU. In Utrecht, it will be part of a larger summer school intensive called Translational Medicine: Doing the Right Research Right, aimed at late masters and early phd students. I am particularly excited to work alongside of some highly decorated, but more importantly, highly innovative scientists—Joris van Montfrans, Gianfranco Grompone and Berent Prakken—who under different circumstances would likely be artists. I'll update this post with some documentation when it becomes available.