Exhibition Catalog for Smell it!

Exhibition Catalog for Smell it!

Smell it! Smell in art - 10 exhibitions in 8 museums and an exciting supporting program form a unique joint project on smell in contemporary art. The publication Smell it! captures this spectacular joint project in pictures and words. While visual art appeals to the sense of sight just as music appeals to the sense of hearing, in the context of the dissolution of boundaries in art, olfactory-sensory aspects emerge in so-called olfactory art or olfactory art. Smell it! Smell in art encounters this phenomenon: 10 Bremen institutions of contemporary art encounter the little explored discussion of art with smell. Contemporary artists working with smell were invited to implement their positions on the subject under individual conditions or to olfactorily question existing collections.

The participating institutions include: GAK Society for Current Art, Gerhard-Marcks-Haus, kek Children's Museum, Künstlerhaus Bremen, Kunsthalle Bremen, Kunstverein Bremerhaven, Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, Städtische Galerie Bremen, Weserburg Museum for modern art, Center for artist publications.

Smell it! The Fragance of Art - ten exhibitions in eight museums and a phenomenal supporting program form a unique joint project on smell in contemporary art. The publication Smell it! Captures this spectacular collaborative project in images and words. While visual art appeals to the sense of sight as music does to the sense of hearing, in the context of a dissolution of the boundaries of art, olfactory aspects are revealed in so-called Olfactory Art. Smell it! The Fragrance of Art confronts this phenomenon: ten Bremen institutions of contemporary art encounter art's little-explored venture into the world of smell. Contemporary artists working with odors were invited to realize their positions on the topic under individual conditions or to question existing collections olfactorily.

Recent Scholarship in Olfactory Aesthetics and Crossmodal Perception

Recent Scholarship in Olfactory Aesthetics and Crossmodal Perception

Barbara Herman: Review of Scents of Exile at Olfactory Art Keller Gallery

Barbara Herman: Review of Scents of Exile at Olfactory Art Keller Gallery