VOSD Interview / December 1, 2015

VOSD Interview / December 1, 2015

Dave Ghilarducci of Lucca Design Works getting down and dirty with the new scent transmitting devices.

Dave Ghilarducci of Lucca Design Works getting down and dirty with the new scent transmitting devices.

I invited Kinsee Morlan over for a studio visit in advance of the Olfactory Memoirs performance. She showed up and whipped out a mic and an audio recorder. Interviews normally don't bother me, but at that moment I was wrapping up the design of 28 scents while working with Dave on this monstrous device that transmitted the scents to a seated audience. I was astonished that despite how deeply immersed I was in this project, I was having trouble describing it verbally. I I could literally feel my mind creep into verbal mode. Thankfully, Kinsee's questions made the transition relatively smooth. Check out the entire Voice of San Diego interview here: 

Release of Volatile! book / December 19, 2015

Release of Volatile! book / December 19, 2015

Preview Performance of Olfactory Memoirs + A Playlist of Smells interview / November 23, 2015