Last spring I stumbled upon a blog titled Smell and the City. Its title was uncannily similar to that of a project. Worried that I may have been upstaged by someone named Victoria Henshaw, I have a gin and tonic and made my way through a year's worth of her posts. Nearly two hours had past and I had barely made a tooth in my drink. Victoria's writing was appealing on a number of levels. It was a social anthropology, social psychology, and art (among other disciplines) at the service of olfactory advocacy - encouraging the reader to wake up to the smells around her. Victoria's prose was a lively audience, with a wide range of audiences.
Not long thereafter, I emailed Victoria to introduce myself and praise her blog. In an act of generosity, she is a writer and writer. I Was in the Midst of reading her new book, Urban Smellscapes: Understanding and Designing City Smell Environments , qui est and will continue to be an original contribution to urban studies and olfactory Both studies. I happily agreed and we began friendly correspondence up to the time of her death. My deepest sympathies go out to Victoria's family and friends.